Saturday, March 25, 2017



Petra initially referred to the Nabataeans as Raqmu, is an authentic and archeological city in southern Jordan. The city is well known for its stone cut design and water channel framework. Another name for Petra is the Rose City because of the shade of the stone out of which it is cut.

Built up perhaps as right on time as 312 BC as the capital city of the Arab Nabataeans, it is an image of Jordan, and also Jordan's most-gone to traveler attraction. The Nabataeans were roaming Arabs who exploited Petra's closeness to local exchange courses to build up it as a noteworthy exchanging center point. The Nabataeans are additionally known for their awesome capacity in developing effective water-gathering techniques in the fruitless deserts and their ability in cutting structures into strong rocks.Petra lies on the incline of Jebel al-Madhbah distinguished by some as the scriptural Mount Hor in a bowl among the mountains which frame the eastern flank of Arabah Wadi Araba, the huge valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. It has been an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

The site stayed obscure toward the western world until 1812, when it was presented by Swiss adventurer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. It was depicted as "a rose-red city half as old as time" in a Newdigate Prize-winning ballad by John William Burgon. UNESCO has portrayed it as "a standout amongst the most valuable social properties of man's social heritage". Petra was named among the New7Wonders of the World in 2007 and was additionally picked by the Smithsonian Magazine as one of the "28 Places to See Before You Die".

  1.     Geography
  2.       History
  3.        Indigenous run the show
  4.       Mid-Antiquity
  5.       Late Antiquity to Early Middle Ages
  6.       T. E. Lawrence
  7.       Late twentieth century: World Heritage Site assignment
  8.       Petra today
  9.        Threats to Petra
  10.        Religion
  11.       In pop culture
  12.        Literature
  13.       Films
  14.       TV
  15.      Plays
  16.       Music and music recordings
  17.       Video amusements
  18.       Gallery
  19.        See moreover
  20.       Josephus
  21.       Notes
  22.       References
  23.      External connections

Petra during the evening.One of the numerous tombs in Petra.Perspective of the Royal Tombs in Petra

Indigenous rule:

By 2010 BC, a portion of the soonest recorded ranchers had settled in Beidha, a pre-ceramics settlement only north of Petra. Petra is recorded in Egyptian battle accounts and the Amarna letters as Pel, Sela or Seir. In spite of the fact that the city was established generally late, a haven has existed there since extremely old circumstances. The Jewish student of history, Josephus ca. 37–100, depicts the district as occupied by the Madianite country as ahead of schedule as 1340 BC, and that the country was represented by five rulers, whom he names: Rekem; the city which bears his name positions most noteworthy in the place where there is the Arabs and right up 'til today is called by the entire Arabian country, after the name of its illustrious organizer, Rekeme: called Petra by the Greeks.Josephus The celebrated around the world engineering of Petra, and other Nabataean destinations, was worked amid indigenous run in early artifact.

The Semitic name of the city, if not Sela, stays obscure. The section in Diodorus Siculus (xix. 94–97) which depicts the campaigns which Antigonus sent against the Nabataeans in 312 BC is comprehended to toss some light upon the historical backdrop of Petra, however the "petra" (shake) alluded to as a characteristic fortification and place of asylum can't be an appropriate name and the portrayal infers that the city was not yet in presence, in spite of the fact that its place was utilized by Arabians.

The Rekem Inscription before it was covered by the scaffold projections.

The name "Rekem" was recorded in the stone mass of the Wadi Musa inverse the passage to the Siq.However, Jordan manufactured an extension over the channel and this engraving was covered underneath huge amounts of concrete.

General view

Antiquated segments of the Great Temple

In AD 106, when Cornelius Palma was legislative head of Syria, the piece of Arabia under the run of Petra was ingested into the Roman Empire as a component of Arabia Petraea and turned into its capital. The local tradition arrived at an end however the city kept on prospering under Roman run the show. It was around this time the Petra Roman Road was manufactured. After a century, in the season of Alexander Severus, when the city was at the stature of its magnificence, the issue of coinage arrives at an end.

 There is no additionally working of lavish tombs, owing evidently to some sudden fiasco, for example, an intrusion by the neo-Persian power under the Sassanid Empire. In the interim, as Palmyra (fl. 130–270) developed in significance and pulled in the Arabian exchange far from Petra, the last declined. It shows up, in any case, to have waited on as a religious focus. Another Roman street was developed at the site. Epiphanius of Salamis (c.315–403) composes that in his time a devour was held there on December 25 out of appreciation for the virgin Khaabou (Chaabou) and her posterity Dushara (Panarion LI, 22:9-12Dushara and al-Uzza were two of the principle divinities of the city, which generally included numerous symbols from other Nabatean gods, for example, Allat and Manat.

Late Antiquity to Early Middle Age

Petra declined quickly under Roman control, in vast part from the update of ocean based exchange courses. In 363 a seismic tremor devastated numerous structures, and disabled the fundamental water administration system. The last tenants surrendered the city additionally debilitated by another significant quake in 551 when the Arabs vanquished the locale in 663.citation needed The old city of Petra was the capital of the Byzantine region of Palaestina III and many houses of worship were uncovered in and around Petra from the Byzantine time. In one of them more than 150 papyri were found which contained for the most part contracts.citation needed] The remains of Petra were a protest of interest amid the Middle Ages and were gone to by Sultan Baibars of Egypt towards the finish of the thirteenth century. The principal European to depict them was Swiss voyager Johann Ludwig Burckhardt amid his goes in 1812.around then, the Greek Church of Jerusalem worked a ward in Al Karak named Battra (باطره in Arabic, and Πέτρας in Greek) and it was the conclusion among the pastorate of Jerusalem that Kerak was the old city of Petra.

Since the structures debilitated with age, a large number of the tombs ended up noticeably defenseless against cheats, and many fortunes were stolen. In 1929, a four-man group, comprising of British archeologists Agnes Conway and George Horsfield, Palestinian doctor and legends master Dr Tawfiq Canaan and Dr Ditlef Nielsen, a Danish researcher, exhumed and reviewed Petra.

T. E. Lawrence:

Petra siq in 1947 (left) contrasted and a similar area in 2013

In October 1917, as a component of a general push to occupy Ottoman military assets far from the British progress before the Third Battle of Gaza, a revolt of Arabs in Petra was driven by British Army officer T. E. (Lawrence of Arabia) against the Ottoman administration. The Bedouin ladies living in the region of Petra and under the administration of Sheik Khallil's better half were assembled to battle in the revolt of the city. The uprisings, with the support of British military, could decimate the Ottoman forces.

Late twentieth century: 

The Bidoul/Bidul or Petra Bedouin were coercively resettled from their give in homes in Petra to Umm Sayhoun/Um Seihun by the Jordanian government in 1985, before the UNESCO assignment prepare. Here, they were furnished with square fabricated lodging with some framework incorporating into specific a sewage and waste framework. Among the six groups in the Petra Region, Umm Sayhoun is one of the littler groups. The town of Wadi Musa is the biggest in the zone, possessed to a great extent by the Layathnah Bedouin, and is currently the nearest settlement to the guest focus, the fundamental passage by means of the Siq and the archeological site for the most part. Umm Sayhoun offers access to the 'back course' into the site, the Wadi Turkmaniyeh person on foot route.

On December 6, 1985, Petra was assigned a World Heritage Site.

The Bidouls have a place with one of the Bedu tribes whose social legacy and customary aptitudes were declared by UNESCO on the Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2005 and inscribed in 2008.

In 2011, after a 11-month extend arranging stage, the Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority in Association with DesignWorkshop and JCP s.r.l distributed a Strategic Master Plan that aides arranged improvement of the Petra Region. This is expected to manage arranged advancement of the Petra Region in a proficient, adjusted and feasible route throughout the following 20 years for the advantage of the nearby populace and of Jordan as a rule. As a feature of this, a Strategic Plan was produced for Umm Sayhoun and encompassing areas.
The way toward building up the Strategic Plan considered the territory's needs from five perspectives:

a financial point of view;

the point of view of Petra Archeological Park;

the point of view of Petra's tourism item;

a land utilize point of view;

a natural point of view.


The Theater

See additionally: Nabataean craftsmanship

The Nabataeans venerated Arab divine beings and goddesses amid the pre-Islamic time and additionally a couple of their exalted lords. One, Obodas I, was revered after his demise. Dushara was the essential male god joined by his three female divinities: Al-'Uzzá, Allat and Manāt. Numerous statues cut in the stone delineate these divine beings and goddesses. New proof demonstrates that more extensive Edomite, and Nabataean religious philosophy had solid connections to Earth-Sun connections, regularly showed in the introduction of noticeable Petra structures to equinox and solstice dawns and sunsets.

A stele devoted to Qos-Allah 'Qos is Allah' or 'Qos the god', by Qosmilk (melech – ruler) is found at Petra (Glueck 516). Qos is identifiable with Kaush (Qaush) the God of the more established Edomites. The stele is horned and the seal from the Edomite Tawilan close Petra related to Kaush shows a star and sickle (Browning 28), both predictable with a moon god. It is possible that the last could have come about because of exchange with Harran (Bartlett 194). There is proceeding with civil argument about the way of Qos (qaus – bow) who has been recognized both with a chasing bow (chasing god) and a rainbow (climate god) in spite of the fact that the sickle over the stele is additionally a bow.

Nabatean engravings in Sinai and different spots show boundless references to names including Allah, El and Allat (god and goddess), with territorial references to al-Uzza, Baal and Manutu (Manat) (Negev 11). Allat is additionally found in Sinai in South Arabian dialect. Allah happens especially as Garm-'allahi – god dedided (Greek Garamelos) and Aush-allahi – 'divine beings contract' (Greek Ausallos). We find both Shalm-lahi 'Allah is peace' and Shalm-allat, 'the tranquility of the goddess'. We likewise discover Amat-allahi 'she-worker of god' and Halaf-llahi 'the successor of Allah'.
El Deir ("The Monastery")

The Great Temple of Petra

The Monastery, Petra's biggest landmark, dates from the first century BC. It was devoted to Obodas I and is accepted to be the symposium of Obodas the god. This data is recorded on the remains of the Monastery the name is the interpretation of the Arabic "Promotion Deir".

Christianity discovered its approach to Petra in the fourth century AD, about 500 years after the foundation of Petra as an exchange focus. Athanasius specifies a minister of Petra Anhioch. 10) named Asterius. No less than one of the tombs the "tomb with the urn"? was utilized as a congregation. An engraving in red paint records its sanctification "in the season of the most heavenly minister Jason" (447). After the Islamic success of 629–632 Christianity in Petra, starting at a large portion of Arabia, offered approach to Islam. Amid the First Crusade Petra was involved by Baldwin I of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and framed the second fief of the barony of Al Karak in the lordship of Oultrejordain with the title Château de la Valée de Moyse or Sela. It stayed in the hands of the Franks until 1189. It is as yet a main see of the Catholic Church.

Two Crusader-period strongholds are known in and around Petra. The first is al-Wu'ayra and is arranged quite recently north of Wadi Musa. It can be seen from the street to "Little Petra". It is the château of Valle Moise which was seized by a band of Turks with the assistance of nearby Muslims and just recuperated by the Crusaders after they started to obliterate the olive trees of Wadi Musa. The potential loss of business drove local people to arrange surrender. The second is on the summit of el-Habis in the heart of Petra and can be gotten to from the West side of the Qasr al-Bint.

As per Arab custom, Petra is the spot where Moses (Musa) hit a stone with his staff and water approached, and where Moses' sibling, Aaron (Harun), is covered, at Mount Hor, referred to today as Jabal Haroun or Mount Aaron. The Wadi Musa or "Watercourse of Moses" is the Arab name for the restricted valley at the head of which Petra is sited. A peak altar of Moses' sister Miriam was still appeared to pioneers at the season of Jerome in the fourth century, however its area has not been recognized since.

Petra - Red Rose City in Jordan :

Petra in Jordan was potentially settled as right on time as 312 BCE and is known as the Rose City because of the shade of the stone it is cut from. The city is an archeological and verifiable city and is an UNESCO World Heritage Site in the southern Jordan Valley well known for its engineering cut in shake and the water channel framework.

The site was acquainted with the western world in 1812. This was the capital city for the Nabataeans and their Caravan Trade. The city is encased by towering rocks and has enduring water stream, this gave the city the benefit of a stronghold and furthermore controlled the fundamental business courses which went through it.

Most guests today approach the city from the east through a dull thin canyon normally framed in the sandstone shakes (a Siq) that leads into the city. The Nabataeans could control the water supply that prompted the ascent of the forsake city, making a fake desert garden, and controlled the glimmer surges by the utilization of dams, reservoirs and water courses. These frameworks permitted them to store water for long stretches amid any dry seasons and the city thrived from the offer of the water.

Toward the finish of the limited canyon is the most expound destroy named Al Khazneh known as the Treasury The demolish is cut directly into the sandstone bluff and stays in an all around saved condition. The substance of the structure has many slug gaps where the Bedouin Tribes thought they would observe concealed fortunes once reputed to be covered up inside.

Only more remote not far off from the Treasury is an expansive amphitheater, situated to see the biggest number of tombs. The theater was cut into the slope and a few of the tombs - rectangular crevices in the seating are as yet unmistakable.

A haven has existed in Petra since extremely old circumstances. The city declined quickly under Roman run, basically in light of the adjustment in the ocean based exchange courses. A seismic tremor in 363 annihilated large portions of the structures, and demolished the water administration framework. More tenants relinquished the city after an another real seismic tremor in 551 lastly when Arabs vanquished the district in 663.

Many fortunes were stolen from the tombs when the structures were debilitated with age making a large portion of the tombs helpless against cheats.The Monastery, Petra's biggest landmark, dates from the first century BCE.

Two Crusader-period palaces are in and around Petra, Valle Moise arranged north of Wadi Musa, the second is on the summit of el-Habis in the heart of Petra itself. The Wadi Musa or "Watercourse of Moses" is the Arab name for the limited valley at the head of which Petra is arranged.

As indicated by Arab legend Petra is the spot where Moses hit a stone with his staff and water approached, and where Aaron, Moses' sibling is covered.

Petra experiences a large group of dangers including disintegration, weathering, rebuilding issues, and unsustainable tourism. Tourism has expanded considerably, particularly since the site got across the board media scope in 2007.

There are a few approaches to enter the site by means of the Siq, by stallion and carriage, strolling, and on horseback.

The site offers guided visits and a candlelight visit around evening time. Petra is around a 6 hour drive from Amman, Jordan's capital city and around a 4 hour drive from Aqaba on the Red Sea. There are flights into Petra. Unquestionably a site worth seeing.

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